Thursday, September 17, 2009

i always can't think up nice titles, sigh


i dunno why i started with that since i'm more of a dog-person than a cat person but anyway, MEOW! :D

and to add to the Sarawak trivia,
YES, we do live in trees!
in fact, i live in a
banana tree.
it's very strong btw, not like other banana trees that you see around.
people who are scared of heights live in bushes though.
but when i go
"scribble notes on pulp from the tree barks and place 'em folded notes in orbitting satellite dishes",
LAWL i have to climb a...a...well, a very tall tree. (ihavenoideaswhatnamesoftalltreesarebutyoudonthavetoknowthatidontknowaye)

Raya's just around the corner and that's a GOOD
food thing!
because we get a one week holiday muahahaha, and also the food lah.

it's nice that we have a break for raya actually, cos after raya, my spm trials will be continuing. :(
i'll have time to study, but eh, who's gonna study during hols? heehee.

oh, btw, my hair is pretty today! *wink*

i just had to say that :DDD

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